Happy weekend y'all! Tonight we are out, and I'm celebrating that I yesterday got confirmation that I'm being put on a treatment plan for my allergic reactions. I've also (finally) got a referal to dermatology, who might be able to sort out my eczemas. If you didn't already know - I regularly see an allergy specialist, who's been trying to treat me with various anithistamines (by now I have tried them all). However, last summer a new medicin got approved for reactions such as the ones I have, and I'm now put on the list! Hopefully I will have my first treatment within just a few weeks. The medication has previously been used to treat people who suffer from really bad asthma, but it is now approved for people who suffer from allergic reactions such as swelling/shortage of breath. It might not work, but if it does I might actually be cured by the end of this year. Most people have about 6-7 doses of this medication, one treatment every four weeks. If there are now improvements by the fourth treatment, you get taken of it, but most notice a difference already after their first injection. Fingers crossed, you guys! I might try to keep a video diary throughout the treatment to actually document any changes, what do you think?
Glad helg! Ikväll skall vi ut, och jag firar att jag äntligen har fått en behandlingsplan för mina allergiska reaktioner. Medicinen jag skall få blev godkänd förra sommaren, så den är ganska ny, men har använts förut för att behandla astmatiker. Om allt går bra borde mina reaktioner sluta helt innan 2017, så håll tummarna! x
allergies - eczema - fashion - living in london - london - londonsvenskar - style - swedes abroad
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