Had today off work (meaning I'm working Saturday :( but really shouldn't complain because haven't done so in a month), which just meant I had a super lazy day. Met up with Rebecka and went to the doctors to register to be able to get my thyroid medicin for free (well done England!) and then I just had some lazy time browsing through Facebook before I, as earlier mentioned, went to meet up with George. Didn't see a movie though, although we were supposed to. The Imitation Game had sold out!! So gutted. We're seeing it next week instead. I'm so up for it.
Can't wait for Fridayyyyy, meaning pay day. Love the fact that I get paid every other week at Ted Baker, it makes it easier for me to manage my money. Gonna treat myself to a nice dress on Friday though, it's only £30 and might be the perfect one for NYE. And that's what's happening in my life now. I'm now gonna go back to drinking tea and watching Gotham. I'm not on top right now and my throat is really swollen, probably because London now has decided that it's winter and therefore gone extremely cold. :/ x
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