So, as earlier mentioned I'm in Devon over the weekend, and the main reason to why we went down this time is because there was a boat party arranged by a friend of ours. I took loads of pictures during the day and night, and thought I'd share a few with you!
Morning selfie in my new shirt from Levi's! I bought it since I'm only allowed to wear Levi's clothes when working, and I only have a vest and a t-shirt on my uniform, which gets a bit cold sometimes. But it's really soft, so it's definitely a new favourite in the wardrobe.
Had a cup of tea with Jack. I really like english tea now, before moving here I wasn't too fond of it at all, but now it's like my favourite thing.
All done for the boat party!!! I wore this and my Nike Air Force 1 with my leather jacket. The playsuit is from Forever 21. It was a fancy dress party with the theme "Lost at Sea" but I didn't have time/was way too poor to arrange a costume.
With Lovisa, Rebecka and Josh on the boat! As you can see, they didn't dress up either.
Toady was also there dressed as a banana. I don't know how that made him Lost at Sea, but oh well.
Some cosy pictures with Rebecka! The lights on the dance floor made all the pictures really funny/interesting.
Lovisa was there as well spinning a ball...
... and drinking her wine. She's so cute.
Rebecka posed with several different people for the camera. 1) Rebecka and Brad. 2) Rebecka and Joe. 3) Rebecka and Jaimie.
We saw fireworks!! Made me think of living in Stockwell when we could watch fireworks almost every night!
It was a great night!!! Had loads of fun. Hope you're having a great weekend too! x
Jag måste erkänna att jag är sämst i världen på det här med webbdesign etc. och vet att du är rätt duktig på det! Skulle du kunna bemöda dig att hjälpa mig med att 1) Få bort bilden högst upp i det vänstra hörnet på mig och Cissi? 2) Ordna så att jag kan skriva "Om mig" under bilden som ligger under bilden på mig och Cissi? (if that makes any sense)? Skulle uppskatta så sjukt mycket om du kunde hitta lite tid för att hjälpa mig, annars får jag se till att ordna det på annat vis! :)